
From the first hello, I was awed at her warmth and sincerity. She is a person who understands people – their concerns, their hopes, their strengths, their faults. With Jackie, I could always count on a firm but gentle approach, and a keen sense of insight.
— Hanna P.

Jacqueline for two and a half-years  has become the person I turn to when I need more than "It'll be okay." I know that first she will listen to me. But she will not leave it there. While she certainly validates your feelings, she won't end the conversation with "Don't worry, this will pass and things will get better." Instead, she says, "Okay, this is where you are. And that's okay. Now, how can we move forward? What are you trying to accomplish and what do we need to do to help you achieve that goal?" She doesn't let you sit in the problem. Instead, she gives you the honest perspective you need to find clarity and make healthy decisions. This can be hard, but it is what we need to hear in order to actually move forward and upward. Jacqueline stands apart from others in this profession because she walks with you through the journey. She's not sitting on the sidelines watching; she's fighting in the arena with you.

-Maggie D.

I worked with Jacqui when I was getting ready to return to the full-time workforce. I was unsure of myself and also struggling with the idea of leaving my kids, who were still really small, with a caretaker all day. Jacqui helped me clarify what I was looking for and gain the confidence to go after it. She also helped me realize that my kids would not suffer, but on the contrary, I'd be able to set a good example of a professional mom. I ended up applying for a job I didn't really believe I'd get, but with her coaching, I went for it. Three years later I'm leading a team and doing incredibly meaningful work, with a family-friendly org.

—Monique Z.

If one ever needed to find the perfect listener to discuss life’s ups and downs with, it would have to be Jackie. She has an incredible knack for knowing what a person needs most at any given time – at times she is a silent shoulder to lean on, at others she dispenses tough love and a reality check. Her instincts are flawless. She puts her ego and opinions aside and delivers exactly what someone needs. I watch her in action and I think – how does she do that? It’s an art that comes naturally to her. When you sit down with Jackie, you just know that there is no judgment, no unwanted opinion, no ideas about what you should be or could be doing differently. She listens attentively, then weaves a conversation that helps you to figure out your next steps. If only each of us had someone like Jackie in our lives, the world would be better place.
– Auria A.

Jackie is such a supportive, positive thinking woman and used to help me in many ways. When I was having a hard time I could always go to her and talk to her. She was there to listen to me, she always made me so comfortable talking to her because there was no judgement at all. She listened to me with an open mind and tried to give me advice with a neutral point of view. That helped me a lot to look at things differently. She is really honest.

I will never forget how she taught me to be on my own path, go for my own happiness and be good to other people at the same time. Jackie was more than a life coach to me and she helped me a lot with her great advice!

– Elisabeth G.